Hlookup in excel 2011 for mac

Hlookup function is the same as vlookup as the function to lookup some data from a table. What’s the difference with vlookup? if vlookup for vertical data, Hlookup for horizontal data. So, if you already can do the vlookup function, hlookup is just like a piece of cake.

to do the hlookup function, we must be aware about each of the data required in each command:

  1. Lookup_value: What value do you want to look up? its usually the ID of unique name
  2. table_array: Where is the lookup table? If you use an absolute reference ($A$2:$C$5), it will be easier to copy to formula to other cells. Or, name the lookup table, and refer to it by name.
  3. col_index_num: Which column has the value you want returned? in example we want to know the data from sales column.
  4. [range_lookup]: If you use TRUE as the last argument, or omit the last argument, an approximate match can be returned. This example has FALSE as the last argument, so if the product code is not found, the result will be #N/A. (Note: Excel is rather forgiving, and will accept 0 instead of FALSE, and 1 instead of TRUE.)

From the example below, we will try to find the sales amount from the code.
In another cell, define the code that you want as reference. Then do the vlookup function. Let’s try to find the sales of La place. In one cell, write the code of La Place. Then in another cell, write the vlookup function “=HLOOKUP(C18;B13:E15;3;FALSE)”. if you want to find out more detail about what happen there, please look the picture below. Hopefully this simple tutorial can help you.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 17.38.55

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